Projects Jam
1 Highlights
fr33domlover worked on vervis and the group gave feedback for the newest style changes to the git diff.
zPlus and I worked on a list of tasks for upcoming project jams. zPlus listed some qualifiers.
The best issues have these characteristics:
- self contained, because there is only so much that can be done in 1H
- simple, that do not require a lot of previous knowledge to get started
- those that favor discussion and collaboration
Tasks: (check or add new entries)
dokk: find high quality, maintained, RDF datasets. Alternatively, convert high quality, maintained, non-RDF datasets to RDF. Worst scenario: make new dataset.
awesome-gamedev: fork the project, make all merges and issue a patch.
Plan for a time to play DMUX.
peers-bounty-hunts: refine some of the project ideas and
dragora: build dragora on a BSD system and report back to selk.